Great Lakes Bernedoodles
Health Warranty

Health Warranty at Time of Purchase
To the best of our knowledge and belief, this dog is in good health at the time of sale. This dog is apparently free of and does not exhibit any signs of contagious or infectious disease, is apparently free from and does not exhibit any signs of defects which are hereditary; and does not exhibit any signs of being clinically ill on the date of sale.
The breeder guarantees that the puppy will be in good health at the time of purchase and will have received all relevant vaccines and deworming medication. This guarantee is valid for a period of 72hrs after the date of pickup. During the 72hr period if the puppy presents signs of disease which may have originated from the breeder's kennel, the buyer must inform the breeder within the 72hr period and then return the dog (at a time specified by the breeder). A note from a veterinarian is also required describing the dogs condition. The breeder is not responsible for any injuries, illnesses or death that may have occurred outside of the three day period or if the dog contracted an illness or injury that had nothing to do with the environment of the kennel. Parasites, worms and urinary tract infections are common in puppy's. The breeder has done everything possible to prevent these things and has taken all precautions to make sure your puppy doesn't have them but sometimes puppy's will have them when they go home and it comes with puppy territory. Mother dogs tend to be more vulnerable to parasites when they have puppies, and may pass them along to the pups. Depending on the life cycle of the particular parasite, it is possible that a few pups will go home with one. You must have your puppy checked by a vet within 72 hours of taking it home. THERE IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS. Please make sure the vet checks for parasites. The breeder is not responsible to cover the cost of worms, parasites and urinary tract infections. Also, this health warranty does not include improper bites, hernias, cherry eye, or any illness due to the ingestion of foreign objects, food, chemicals or physical injury.
______________If you do not take the puppy to your Veterinarian within the 72 hour window specified above, you are agreeing that the puppy was in good health upon receipt.
The seller cannot guarantee color, size, or temperament. These can only be estimated, while in the short time in the breeders possession, based on experience, and can always change or differ from this estimation and are ultimately outside of the breeders control.
The seller will not refund money for the dog, due to the purchaser's allergies to animals, landlord's disapproval, disagreement of family, the dog is no longer desired, or for any other practical reason. The seller also claims no responsibility for any injury or illness that could be and was most likely contracted after the date of purchase. The purchaser must contact the breeder first if the dog can no longer be kept. The dog should never be brought to the shelter as it can be returned at any time to the seller (but no refund will be given for anything not related to the conditions this health warranty covers.) The breeder must also assist in the rehoming of the dog, at any age in its life, if the owner can no longer keep it. The seller is available for any questions during the entire lifetime of the dog.
24 Month Health Warranty relating to Genetic Diseases
This dog is warrantied to be free of genetic diseases, that would cause inevitable euthanasia of the dog or severely hinders the quality of life for the dog. We warranty all dogs for 24 months from date of birth for genetic diseases that the parents were tested for. If your dog develops agenetic disease that the parents where tested for and that makes it unsuitable as a pet or in need of extended veterinary care, please contact Great Lakes Bernedoodles immediately. You must provide a note from a board certified veterinarian. We do have the right to require a second opinion from a veterinarian, of the breeder’s choice. The buyer must notify the breeder within two business days of the veterinarian examination. To have a valid claim the buyer must provide the breeder a statement from the veterinarian that diagnosed the condition of the dog, along with documentation that vaccination protocol listed in this document has been followed and that the puppy has been spayed or neutered (if one year of age). We will either (1) replace the dog with a puppy of equal or lesser price, to be chosen by the breeder, or (2) refund half the purchase price of the puppy. Shipping fees will not be refunded, and if it becomes necessary to ship a replacement puppy, those fees are to be paid by the buyer. If the puppy is euthanized or in any way disposed of, without a second opinion from the seller’s veterinarian, the buyer waives all rights to a replacement puppy or half the refund.
If the puppy should die from a suspected genetic disease, that the parents where tested for, within the 24 months of its date of birth, an autopsy must be performed at the buyer’s expense by a licensed veterinarian acceptable to the seller’s own veterinarian. If the autopsy shows a congenital defect as the reason of the death, the seller will provide another puppy from the next available litter of equal or lesser value to the buyer. A written statement from the Veterinarian must be provided. This warranty is void in the event of an undetermined or inconclusive diagnosis.
This warranty is non-transferable.
Genetic cardiac issues that will cause ongoing medical care/treatment (as diagnosed by a Veterinary Cardiologist). Cardiac will not be covered if, at any time in the puppy/dog’s first year of life,he/she is fed a grain free food. vWD type 1, DM, NE, PRA/PRCD (DNA test to confirm clinical diagnosis and applies to affected dogs, not carriers) if the disease will cause poor quality of life or ongoing medical expenses. Other conditions not stated
above, are not covered in this warranty as they can be caused/brought on by environmental factors such as over stressed joints prior to growth plates closing, diet, over vaccination, medications (especially ongoing use of chemicals for fleas/ticks/heartworm), pesticides used on lawns, etc. Please do your homework so you will be informed about how the over- use of vaccines and chemicals can affect your dog’s health.
One Year Hip Warranty
Breeder believes genetic testing is valuable for determining the best breeding pairs and is important to produce healthy puppies. We offer a one year of age hip warranty on any puppy found to have dysplastic affected hips. Buyer is aware there is no 100% safeguard when it comes to genetics. The breeder warranties that the dog will be free of severe hip dysphasia provided the dog is X‐rayed at or before 12 months of age and the X‐rays are examined by PennHip. The puppy must have an x-ray done by a certified Pennhip veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis and it must be documented by an official Pennhip certification. Positioning of the x-ray must be approved by Great Lakes Bernedoodles veterinarian of choice.
If your puppy has genetic-crippling canine hip dysplasia, this will present itself within the first 12 months of age and can be seen by X-rays. Genetic canine hip dysplasia is present in both hips and not just one. Subluxation or unilateral H/D, (present in one hip only), is NOT WARRANTEED as this may be as a result of injury, dietary deficiency and over exertion during pertinent puppy raising time/development which is the responsibility of the owner, not the fault of genetics or the breeder. A duplicate copy of the x-ray on a CD disk or duplicate file needs to be submitted to the breeder.
X-rays must be sent to Pennhip and come back with a rating above the 90% mark and be rated as a High Risk in both hips for developing Osteoarthritis. If PennHip determines that the dog is High Risk the buyer must inform the breeder at this time of the dog’s condition. A hip scoring of Mild to Moderate Risk is not considered serious in nature and will not be covered. The hip warranty shall be null and void if this dog is determined to be overweight at any time, involved in a serious fall, hit by a car, allowed to go up and down stairs or extensive exercise (walking or running over one mile per walking session) prior to one year of age, or any other physical injury. Please note this warranty is void after the dog reaches 12 months of age.
** If dew claws are removed under any circumstances-after placement of puppy, our joint (hips and elbow) warranty is null and void.
If a genetic defect is diagnosed by a veterinarian, within the warrantied time period stated above, the purchaser must notify the seller within two business days of the veterinarian examination. To have a valid claim the purchaser must provide the seller a statement from the veterinarian that diagnosed the condition of the dog, along with documentation that the required four sets of vaccinations have been completed and annual check ups have been completed. (if older than one year of age). If the claim is valid, the purchaser would have the following option:
If a fatal genetic defect is diagnosed within one year from the date of birth, the purchaser has the option of a replacement puppy (of equal or lesser value), chosen by the breeder. No veterinary fees will ever be paid for by the breeders of the puppy. Shipping fees will never be paid for by the breeders of this puppy.
It is understood that any dog that has been put to sleep for whatever reason will not be
replaced or refunded unless the breeder has authorized the procedure beforehand in
Vaccinations, Dog Food, Pesticides, Aerosols, Fungus's, etc. are Environmental triggers to avoid with your puppy. Because of these unknown environmental exposures Breeder cannot be responsible for Sarcomas, Tumors, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disease, Stomach issues, Allergies and Seizures. Vaccine related Allergy and Seizure issues that result in itching or seizures can occur up to two months after administered vaccine. Breeder cannot be held liable for any of these conditions as they can be caused by unknown environmental triggers out of the Breeder's control. It's the opinion of most holistic veterinarians that many immune-mediated diseases, including IMT, are triggered or exacerbated by vaccines, particularly bactrians (vaccines against bacterial organisms, such as the leptospirosis and Lyme vaccines), as well as killed vaccines (rabies vaccine). Sometimes it's a vaccine alone that triggers immune disease in a pet. More often, it’s vaccinations coupled with other medications, environmental toxins, poor quality diet, and other lifestyle stressors. The strength and balance of every animal's immune system is different, so there's no way to predict - unless your dog has had a reaction in the past -- how much danger your pet is in from exposure to the modified virus contained in any given vaccine or the many toxic ingredients it also contains. That's why we strongly encourage pet owners to avoid all unnecessary vaccines and re-vaccinations after the core vaccinations are given. We do not recommend the lepto vaccine and our warranty is void if given. We recommend the rabies vaccination be given at six months of age and not in conjunction with other vaccinations. Your Veterinarian can do a simple blood test yearly, TITER test, to determine your dog's immunity instead of just vaccinating every year blindly. Your PUPPY needs only the core puppy vaccines.
Vaccination protocol:
Core Vaccinations:
7 weeks - distemper, parvovirus
11 weeks - distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus
13 weeks - TITER test
6 months - rabies
1 year - TITER test
Non-Core Vaccinations:
Bordatella, Leptospirosis, Lyme, Influenza
Spay/Neuter Agreement
All puppies are sold with non-breeding agreements, we require that every puppy to be spayed/neutered. Exceptions can be made in certain situations. There is an additional charge for breeding rights.
Permanent ownership of this dog is contingent upon your compliance with this addendum.
Puppies must not be spayed/neutered before (9 months of age for minis, 12 months age for standards) and no later than 14 months of age. Proof of the spay/neuter must be received by the Breeder within 14 days after the surgery. If this proof is not sent, any warranty is void. This notification is the responsibility of the Buyer, not the veterinarian or the Breeder, to ensure that Great Lakes Bernedoodles has received proof that the spay/neuter has been performed. A copy of the spay/neuter medical record, the receipt for the procedure, as well the veterinarian’s phone number. Once this has been fulfilled, the microchip number will be transferred to the Buyer's name.
Failure to comply with this agreement will be considered a breach of contract. It will also be assumed the dog is being used for breeding. The buyer shall pay the breeder an additional $17,500, five times the purchase price of the dog for breeding rights. The penalty fee is then due within 30 days of notification.